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Nutrition Nuggets: Eating Your Way To Better Sexual Health

What do grapes, oysters, and chocolates have in common? Well, aside from being food, they're all supposedly aphrodisiacs. For 

the unaware, an aphrodisiac is basically a food or drug that has effects on sexual health, typically by either making it 

easier to become sexually aroused or by boosting sexual performance. Now, while all of the above foods have been known to 

release varying levels of endorphins into the body in the same way sex does, they are not necessarily all that beneficial to 

one's sexual health. Of course, that doesn't mean that food and meals don't play a part in a person's sex life, because 

there's quite a bit of scientific data saying that it does.

Working from the top and going down, the brain is the core of all activity that concerns the body, including sexual 

functions. Replacing full meals with snacks or junk food can seriously decrease the usual flow of nutrients to the brain, 

making it less capable of processing all the stimuli and emotions involved in sexual activity. In short, the lack of 

nutrients can dampen someone's ability to enjoy sexual intercourse. 

Moving a little lower, it makes sense that sexual health is connected to the overall state of the circulatory system. Blood 

circulation is necessary not only for the proper functioning of internal organs but also for  ensuring the functions of the 

male and female reproductive organs.  So, if the heart or the blood vessels are in poor condition, it also has a detrimental 

effect on the body's ability to perform properly during sexual intercourse. Increased or improved blood flow helps increase 

the sensitivity to stimuli of the appropriate organs and heightens the level of physical endurance during intercourse.

For more specific help regarding food and sexual health, some might want to look into Nitric Oxide, which is not to be 

confused with Nitrous Oxide. Nitric Oxide (NO) is the substance found on the lining of the internal workings of male and 

female genitalia. Without it, men can't obtain or sustain an erection (even with proper blood flow), while women are unable 

to become lubricated, regardless of what stimulation is put in there. Some doctors suggest that the ingestion of arginine, 

another substance which encourages the body to produce NO.  Arginine helps improve circulation and sexual health. Arginine is 

typically found in walnuts, almonds, and salmon.

Antioxidants, particularly the ones that are chemically abundant in dark chocolate, also have positive effects on sexual 

performance and health. Antioxidants are linked to improved blood circulation, something that has already been mentioned as 

being beneficial to sex. Other good sources include tomatoes, spinach, garlic, red peppers, and red grapes. However, some 

point out that chocolate somehow also increases desire along with improving performance, likely because certain components in 

chocolate can improve circulation.


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