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Why did my Therapist recommend I see a Nutritionist?

Q: I had my first appointment with a therapist the other day and during the intake, my therapist asked my about my eating nutrition. What does that have to do with my mental health?

A:  Do you remember these Snickers commercials that had the tag line.."You're not you when you're hungry"?

Q: Are you telling me my therapist wants me to eat more Snickers?

A:  No. Your therapist asked about your nutrition habits because mood and mental health are a mind-body expereinces and not just based on personal history or mental processes.  In short, not getting the nutrients that our body needs, aka the Standard American Diet or SAD,  or other digestive issues can lead to anxiety, depression, and us not feeling like ourselves.

Q:  I eat ok.  I could probably eat better,  I know that.  

A:  Exactly.  That is why your therapist asked about your nutrition and recommended that you talk to a nutritionist.  A "good" diet is just providing the basics for survival.  Adding a nutritionist, and the information they can give you,  to your personal tool box will help you have more energy, and better health.  When you feel better and have more energy, dealing with learning how to process and deal with emotions in therapy seems less daunting and overwhelming. 






Janelle Adams, MA, LMFT, ATR Janelle Adams, MA, LMFT, ATR, offers her extensive expertise to help people of all ages from all walks of life to lead happy, balanced lives. Through her work at In Touch Counseling Services in Vancouver, Washington, she delivers care and treatment designed to address mental health disorders, relationship challenges, physical health problems, and more. Janelle takes a holistic, integrative approach with each person she sees at In Touch Counseling Services. She knows that each individual’s experiences and difficulties are unique. She blends a variety of treatments — including ancient treatments like acupuncture and leading-edge approaches like Alpha-Stim® cranial electrotherapy stimulation — based on the individual’s specific needs and preferences. As a registered art therapist (ATR) and licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), Janelle can draw on her extensive experience to help each patient.

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