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Nutrition Nugget: The Importance of Understanding Your “Macros”

There is something that proves instrumental not just in the weight management equation but also in the balance of nutrients.  It’s important to understand your macronutrient profile.   In addition to knowing your daily calorie intake it’s important to know your “macro” profile. It’s a way to personalize your nutrition.   We know that for maximum results, nutrition needs to be individualized.

If we talk calories, a calorie is a unit of heat energy. Your body views calories as energy. We derive calories from the food we eat.   No Calories – No Energy.   We know calorie intake is individual as everyone requires different amounts of energy depending on age, sex, size, and activity level.   It’s important to understand how many calories you personally need.   Once you have that established, the next step is figuring out your macronutrient profile.

Macronutrients are the big players in nutrition, think fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.   Water is also a macronutrient; however, water has no energy.  Each macro plays a very important role in the body.  Carbohydrates the body’s main source of energy.   Fats are needed for making hormones, brain development and aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). Protein, although most think of building muscle, protein also is a key component in terms of hair, organs, bones, enzymes, and all tissue. Protein also helps support a healthy immune system.

A dietician or nutrition educator can help you understand the specific ratios that are based on your lifestyle, and how each macronutrient fits into your day.  It can lead to finding the missing link in your weight management strategy.

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